11 June 1967: 'Colour news! Chichester's Astonishing Mid-Ocean Pictures!'
S U N D A Y, 1 1 J U N E
Slept terribly well at the Reids, and didn’t get up till 10.
I took the sheets off my bed, had breakfast, and saw some of Francis Chichester’s stormy photos in the Sunday Times - how could he bear it! Then revised, in their sitting room. Finished off the Rhine and Germany, and did all Scandinavia. At least Geography is interesting. We had lunch: cold chicken and other meats, lettuce, hot buttery potatoes, and gooseberry pie - fabulous. Got down to revision. Had coffee in sitting-room, then got down to revision again. Mr and Mrs Reid worked in the garden, and we had a fab tea later.
Ma, Pa and Chump got back from the boat at 7.30, they had a fab time, they went to Newtown. Went back home, but didn’t feel a bit like going, it’s so lovely at the Reids.
I've had a horrifying thought. It makes me sound terribly selfish. If Dutronc hadn't been staying at the Post, I think skiing would have been rather boring. I do hope I'll enjoy it next year.
Sir Francis Chichester: sailing the Clipper Route in 226 (not always stormy) days