M O N D A Y, 1 2 J U N E
Marvellous weather all day… and I got an A for my German compo!!!
It was Anya's birthday - but the awful thing is, Lucy and me FORGOT. We didn't just forget presents, we forgot it was her birthday. It suddenly dawned on me at the end of the first period. So rotten. But she said she really didn’t mind.
Pottery was lovely, I wedged clay for about half an hour, then went on the wheel for the first time. I had two attempts. Both were fab pots to begin with, but somehow they went wrong. I haven't got the knack. Birdy talked to us about the kiln, which is now in use – the heat inside is 2500 farenheit! Last week's pot has been fired and is the most fab greeny-blue.
I had an incredible number of books to lug home because of three weeks of revision - practically every book in my desk. Got the bus with Martha. She’s so nice. She says whenever she goes home with Susan, she Susan never says anything, so she prefers going home with me.
Heard Hubert's interview on French radio with Gilbert Becaud. Some people rang up and said it had taken them an hour to get through. What would it be like phoning from England?! I love his voice and I love his new song.
Did Geog all evening: glaciation, rivers, mountains. But there's this awful mouse behind the skirting-board in my room. It disturbs me every evening it makes such a row. Goodness knows what it's doing there - it sounds like rustling leaves.
Bed at 12. 45.