7.57 minutes of 'Swinging London' footage, plus hilarious commentary
T U E S D A Y, 2 3 M A Y
Anya did ring up Vogue last night but they'd closed.
We did the troubles between Israel and the other Middle Eastern countries in Current Events - Miss Kavanagh thinks the situation is more dangerous than the papers make out.
The dentist - AGAIN. Still, I love going up to London in the car, there's so much to see including snazzies!
Mr Shepherd didn’t keep me waiting for once. When I went in he said, "how nice to see you again, you've made my day." He's so corny, everything he says annoys me - little does he know. My lip was numb for ages afterwards because of the injection.
On the way home, heard the Beatles' new LP tracks - they're fantastic. There's one especially I so adore, its called "something something strange .... Lonely Hearts Club Fans"?
Changed into kilt and green jumper and bunches. Went for a walk to the end of the garden, then back up Chequer’s Lane. I’d just come out of the gate when there was this terrific whistle.
“A van charged past and the driver chap stuck his hand out and waved!”
From 8.30 to 10.30 I heard the most STAGGERINGLY fab interview on Europe No. 1 with Polnaareff!!! (Rang up Anya to tell her - she was already listening.) I never knew he was so nice, he’s just adorable. And his LAUGH - he doesn’t even seem embarrassed about it!! He was so sweet to everyone who phoned him up, he called them “tu” and he always said, “ca va?” Hubert asked him his favourite girl’s name and he just couldn’t think of one. People suggested one and each time he’d go, “non, non, non, attends, attends,” ... and then Hubert started snoring!!! He sang several songs on his guitar including two in English, and they all had some yodelling in them, which Hubert tried to copy (with hilarious results). All through Hubert kept letting off hysterical screams, and Polnareff kept crying out, "il est fou, il est fou"!! It was the funniest programme I’ve ever heard, and I understood most of it.
No time for a bath.
And the name of the song was... Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.