S U N D A Y, 1 7 S E P T
Thought about Pol again all day. Anya and me are The English Fans - a thrilling thought. She rang me up; she’s pining too. Tig knows, and Sandra - her glasses practically fell off when she heard.
Half the fun of having met him is being able to tell people we have. So longing to tell everyone tomorrow! Hope they’re terribly jealous! But it’s not as if we haven’t tried to get him. We deserve it.
Looked through Diary masses. So funny to read about going to Le Barbier de Seville when Anya wore dark glasses and we first started thinking seriously about him. And I think this is rather a coincidence: on 15th July we left him a letter, on 15th August he read my letter at Beaulieu, and on 15th September we met him. I wonder if 15th October will be as exciting?
Put my hair in two bunches. The improvement is terrific. I wish I'd had it like that on Friday.
I think we must have seemed very childish to him, especially with Chump and Anna-Marie tagging along.
“‘Light My Fire’”
Today, 17 September 1967, Jim Morrison of The Doors defied CBS in a live performance on The Ed Sullivan Show of ‘Light My Fire’. Asked (at the last minute) to change "Girl, we couldn't get much higher" to "Girl, we couldn't get much better" (which doesn’t rhyme with the previous line) Jim defied Ed and stuck to the original.
Ingrid was unaware of the genius of The Doors.