T U E S D A Y, 2 0 J U N E
French dictation was quite nice, but we had the main exam in the New Gym, and it was a hard paper as French goes. The compo was good though. I did the one with pictures, and called my character Michel Polnareff!! Also brought in lots of colloquial expressions and slipped in a past anterior just after she said “stop writing now". Everyone thought it was awful.
Ma fetched me, which was lovely, and at home I revised constantly (except for when Anya rang up). Then at 5.15 heard a FAB interview with Polnareff on Rosko, about his favourite six songs. His favourite is 'Lovely Rita' by the Beatles. He was so adorable, and kept saying he was of "mauvaise mine"…! What inspired him to write Ame Câline was a girl called Marie-Christine, when he was feeling very sad. His microphone didn't work properly but I understood it all.
From 11pm, while still doing Eng. Lit., I listened to Johnnie Walker on Caroline. Suddenly he said, “good luck with exams tomorrow, I know you’ve got Maths in the morning, well, just draw psychedelic patterns all over the paper and, providing you and the examiner don’t understand any of it, you’ll do fine…!" Then he said, "and there's English Lit in the afternoon.” Well, there is!! What a coincidence.
Tomorrow: 'Silas Marner' and 'Lord of the Flies'.
Polnareff's favourite song