T H U R S D A Y, 2 8 S E P T
Wore kilt and green jumper.
I’m so thrilled. I was the only one in German who got an A-.
Had Political Theory – with Miss Rainer! She’s such an old bag, so incredibly school-mistressy and old-fashioned! But she's also rather sweet. As we walked out at the end she beckoned to me and said, “how’s your sister getting on?” “Oh very well thank you,” I said, rather surprised. “I miss her,” she said. “She was very promising."
I now feel sorry for her - everybody’s so mean to her.
Had Miss Gatley for Gen. English. First she advised us to notice our reading speeds; she’s found arts people read more slowly. Do they imagine things in more detail? (Miss G thinks they do.) Then we discussed what was the very first art form of primitive people - probably dance. Next week she wants us to write down all the examples of verse we've come across – lines of birthday cards, things children say, anything. That could include the words of Ame Caline!
Saw T.O.T.P. - better than usual. Eric Burdon has got to No. 20, and The Box Tops were on with ‘The Letter’ - fantastic. But ghastly Englebert ('The Last Waltz’) is still No. 1.
Felt miserable at supper and went up after and cried. It’s just that I never do anything in the evenings. I hate living here, miles from anything and anywhere. Daddy cheered me up a lot.
Played Adamo and Polnareff in the sitting-room and wrote Diary.
From 6 September to 4 October the "ghastly" Engelbert spent five weeks at No. 1. Over 1m copies of 'The Last Waltz' were sold in the UK.