"Daddy put the hose on and we left it on all day'. The perfect Villa Thermador, St Jean Cap Ferrat
W E D N E S D A Y, 2 A U G
We got rather midge-bitten in the night.
Before breakfast Daddy, Chump and me went to get bread. For some reason or other Daddy annoyed me almost to tears; he tried to do the talking and he can't speak a word. I was so looking forward to practising some French.
Had breakfast on the terrace. Josephine, the French lady, came to do the house. Mummy, Chump and me went shopping – got food for next two days. Walking back up the hill it was absolute murder, so baking hot.
Sat on the garden terrace most of the day, in the baking heat. Honestly, the garden’s beautiful. It’s very small and full of different trees: oleanders, pines, and one lemon tree. Daddy put the hose on and we left it on all day because it made the most wonderful tinkling noise, like a little stream. Daddy sat in a shady corner – his study! – and worked on the Amsterdam competition. Can't get over how lucky we are with the villa; it's perfect. We had the most fantastic lunch on the side terrace in the shade, it looked so beautiful. Went down to Paloma Beach for half an hour, and sat on the free side. I went for a dip once.
“My midge bites are murderous, they’re so big it looks like I’ve got muscles.”
Back in the garden my face got so revoltingly sticky I put my scarf on and got rid of the fringe. Daddy and Chump fixed a new plug onto the hairdryer and I did my hair. Great relief to have it clean again. Listened to radio but all I can get is Monte Carlo. Had supper on the terrace: chicken, sauté potatoes, haricot verts, ice cream and raspberries, and Seven Up to drink.
I changed into my black and white dress (now so long) and we went for a walk to see about restaurants here; ‘Les Hirondelles’ seems the best. Coffee on terrace by candlelight. It was very like Roches Fleuries, even the chairs are the same. Only difference - no Jean or Roger Daltry.
"Walking back up the hill it was absolute murder, so baking hot." Ingrid in her pink towelling skirt, with bunches