Dutch ad for Bata shoes, 1967
T U E S D A Y, 2 8 F E B
It was incredibly, incredibly windy again.
Gave in my Robert Frost poem. Saw Lucy's - it's terribly good.
Ma fetched us two and we went shopping - both got shoes for school in Dolcis. Mine are navy blue clobber-style with a silk bow. They look super with everything except white socks.
I read a bit about a kibbutz today, and I never realised before that the children are separated from their parents at night time and sleep in a children’s quarter. Absolutely ridiculous.
This week's 'Love Affair' was a 1950s film from a book, Un Certain Sourire, by Francoise Sagan, and it was the corniest ever - we were killing ourselves! The girl in it, a law student at the Sorbonne, was such a flirty stink! But it was good too because where should she and her boyfriend's uncle go (she and the uncle were having an affair) but down the Corniche to EZE and CANNES!!! We recognized it all.
Anya's so lucky. Every Friday she goes to this youth club that's started in Morden, and has a super time. I'd give anything to go as nothing happens here.