Our esteemed leaders, left to right: Edward Heath (Conservative, Leader of the Opposition); Jeremy Thorpe (Liberal); Harold Wilson (Labour, PM).
T H U R S D A Y, 2 N O V
Philosophy was good, for once – Teddy Bear can be amusing! We continued to discuss ‘what is a human being?’ Diana said: "when you see a human being stamping about and pulling out his hair, you know he’s in a temper." T.B.: "He might have been reminiscing about his grape-treading holiday in Champagne"! Then he. said, we may not always agree on a person’s character but we all agree on their appearance, i.e. blue eyes are blue eyes. I said, people don’t always agree on appearances: some people find a person good-looking, and some don't. He liked that. He actually said “good”!
Current Events was very, very interesting. She told us about the differences between the Labour and the Conservative parties. They both want to reform Trade Unions, they both accept comprehensive schools, and they are both are for re-employment. But emotionally they are complete opposites. Labour is for a fairer society, Conservative is for a freer society. Labour wants nationalisation. Numerous bills have been passed that bring about a fairer society: slum clearance, family allowances, old age pensions, NHS prescriptions, decriminalisation of abortion, decriminalisation of homosexuality. Conservatives on the other hand are for private enterprise. They are complaining of the restrictions to our freedom that Labour have brought about or want to bring about: no choice on schools, restrictions on going abroad, breathelizer tests, 70mph motorway limits, no free radio, selective employment etc.
“It’s difficult to know which party is the best!”
I think a happy medium between the two would be perfect – that’s what the Liberals are doing. Mrs Evans thinks that it’s these things that affect one’s vote. One, ancestry, or how your parents vote. Two, your emotions – fairness or freedom? And three, what you think about the leaders when you see them on TV.
Going to lunch nowadays is like going in for an obstacle race! To get to the canteen we have to balance periously on floating logs and stepping-stones and avoid rivers of mud.
Mummy fetched us from school. Daddy’s not getting back till midnight, so she varnished the cork floor with Gleam to show him how nice it can be. Otherwise he'll lay a completely new one.