Patches in party outfits:
S A T U R D A Y, 1 8 M A R C H
Pa and me left for Reigate to get presents for Chump. Reigate was lovely in the sun. Strolled along the high street looking for shops. After buying shoes and clothes for him (!) Pa got her a Patch doll with a party outfit: a black velvet dress with a red velvet cape. I got her a date stamp with a Basildon Bond pad and a 4oz bag of sugar eggs.
At 12 Anya and Anna Marie came for the day. We listened to Adamo and had a go on their guitars, and had lunch - spaghetti bolonaise and almond cake, delicious. Chump and A-M played in the garden while us two cycled to the Common, and Anya told me about the dance she went to last night in Sutton! Well, it was pathetic, and the boys were grim (especially the one Ann went off with). She also told me about this ghastly boy Gerry at Youth Club, who is really rather vulgar.
“I know just what Anya means: not being snobbish, these uneducated types are awful.”
At 8pm, all of us went to the London Steak House for Chump's birthday although it's tomorrow.
The London Steak House, Epsom had a stylish bright green decor and open-brick walls
Anya and me got into absolute fits. What made us laugh so much were the other people there. The lady next to us (not what you'd call 'devoted to her husband') gave us vile looks throughout, while Corner Stone, a dull man sitting in a corner by himself, kept staring; at the end, he actually turned round to see us go out of the door. Then there was this WEED behind us - Anya heard him say to his girlfriend, in a desperately drippy voice, "will you come out with me on Tuesday?" - and lastly, this creature in a pink dress behind the bar who we named 'Cool-Calm-Icy-Cold'. It was HILARIOUS!!! Now for the food: Anya and me had the same in everything. First, avocado pears with prawns, then fillet steak with chips and salad, then frozen orange water-ice in a real orange. All delicious, but we did make a racket.
Left at ten, and dumped them on the way home, guitars and everything.
Too tired even to wash.
“Remember Sindy and Patch?”
Sindy was launched in 1963, by British-owned Pedigree Toys. Reassuringly, her ‘girl next door’ image made her far more popular in Britain than Barbie. Her success was such that her boyfriend Paul was introduced in 1965, and, in 1966, her ‘naughtly little sister’, Patch. Their accessories were extensive and contributed to their success. We loved them dearly.