June and us at the top of the Schlegelkopf. Note Pa's pipe (he gave up smoking later in the year)
W E D N E S D A Y, 5 A P R I L
Felt awful when I woke up, tummy empty because I've had so little to eat, and dead worried about Dutronc. Didn't eat a thing at breakfast. I couldn't even drink my orange juice.
Went skiing - the Schlegelkopf was the only run open. I worried the whole time about this evening and got a terrible hot pain in my tummy. Had to snow plough the whole way down the Standard Run, the snow was so thick.
Sat in the second sitting room when we got back - Dutronc joined us and sat on a stool. He didn't go skiing this morning but went to sleep instead! June asked him his name, it's Hans Otto (nice). Last night he went to see an Elvis Presley film and thought it was awful, "sweet and sugary". He said he's seen Goldfinger four times including last week, and that was the first time he'd actually "looked"... ???
“I felt terrible at lunch, and went up after the main course to lie down.”
Ma and Pa went skiing, I washed my hair, Chump read some of 'Paddington' to me. Changed into red trouser suit and at 5 we all went along to the bowling alley. And who should be there but... Dutronc and his parents! I thought it was a BIT of a coincidence until Mummy told me she'd suggested it. He helped us with the knobs and things and was very helpful. I do like him. And it's not just 'cos he's a terrible snazz. Bill came top with 32. Ma and me second with 26.
They left before us, which I was rather relieved about.
Back at the Post, I changed into kilt and cardy. My appetite came back for dinner, thank Goodness. Later, in the sitting room, Dutronc came over and asked if I felt well enough to go dancing tonight, but I said some friends (June's) were coming so I couldn't. Then I said what about tomorrow, and he said they were leaving on Friday so it wouldn't be much good. He looked very put out.
I feel very mean. I promised him I would go dancing and I've broken my promise.
At 8.30 June's friends came - this chap and his 15-year-old son, the biggest drip I've ever met. He goes to Eton and has a terribly snob accent. Dutronc must think I've got a queer choice of friends.
9.55: Chump has just informed me that Dutronc has gone off with those two gruesome sex bombs. Apparently they've dragged him off, not the other way round. I couldn't bear it if he starts getting keen on them. I want to hug him and say I'm so sorry.
Tomorrow I am determined to force him to go out somewhere with us in the evening, and I'll be miserable if he refuses.