Contender for the most bizarre music video in the history of French music.
T H U R S D A Y, 9 M A R C H
The most frightful weather all day.
Told Jenny immediately I got to school about the ruined record and she was terribly nice about it, even said I shouldn't buy a new one!!!
I took this 'document' to school that London Grandma has written, it's so hilarious I had to show it to Anya. There's eight typewritten pages of it, headed 'Resume of the years 1931 to 5th March 1967'. In fact, it's all about Uncle John and how marvellous he is because he's the youngest son. There are also a lot of ridiculous things about Pa which aren't actually true, so he's scribbled all over it correcting the rubbish!
In a way I'm just like Grandma: if something bothers me I have to write it down and get it straight.
“That’s one of the reasons I keep a diary!”
After lunch Anya and I at last began a card to Adamo. We've done it in fab modern writing, and filled all the 'o's in pink and mauve.
"Cher Salvatore,
Nous sommes anglaises. Nous t'aimons bien et nous aimons tes belles chansons, surtout En Bandoulière. Il n'y a personne dans notre lycée qui te connait parceque la pop musique française en Angleterre n'est pas très répandue. C'est très triste, n'est-ce pas?
Bons baisers d'Angleterre.
Lots of love, Ingrid and Anya xx"
Then we stuffed our satchels with homework and charged off in the rain, it was hilarious, and twice all Anya's books under her arm went flying. At last we got to Room G where Madame Cornet was playing records for French Circle. First we played Jenny's and waited for the scratches - but they never came! It must have been our corny old record-player. Then we gave her Adamo's 'Tenez vous Bien'. She asked if he composes the songs himself - and then she said, "he’s a talented young man”!!!
Got home soaked as had to walk to Hedge Corner.