The dress from Miss Selfridge: "it's black wool with a zip from the top to the bottom - no buttons!"
M O N D A Y, 1 1 S E P T
Mummy, Chump and me drove up to London. Wore Chump's skirt which she's now given me. I’ve forgotten all the shops we went to but we got everything we wanted. I tried on millions of coats in Miss Selfridge and finally got the most fabulous one. It’s black with a zip from the top to the bottom - no buttons!
Then went to Liberty’s where I got the most absolutely gorgeous book about illustration and design: ‘The Twentieth Century Book’ by John Lewis. It cost £6, so my book tokens only paid 47/- of it. I’m paying the rest out of my Post Office Savings book.
We had lunch at the Danish Food Centre, perfectly delicious as usual, and went to Jaegar where Ma got a fab skirt, orange wool and pleated at the front but too short according to her - one and a half inches from the top of her knee!
“Saw tons of crummy people selling badges and bells.”
Also some people wearing them. Two rather funny ones we saw were “I am an £ s d Addict” and “Up with Mini Skirts”.
Felt scared about ringing up Pye Studios. I did it straightaway I got home. Great disappointment. The 15th isn't the only day they've reserved for Polnareff's recording, and the girl’s not allowed to tell me the others. What are we going to do?
Not really looking forward to tomorrow. Scared about wearing own clothes.
Studio Vista's The Twentieth Century Book. "It cost £6, so my book tokens only paid 47/- of it"